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Strong Outlook for Wind Power

Through one of our clients 4Navitas in the UK ( ) we are getting more and more involved in raising both equity and debt funding for Wind Energy projects, with a focus on Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA).

Both the client’s business, but also the market is growing tremendously.

So let’s take a look at this specialized Renewable Energy market.

This week the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) published their “Global Wind Report : Annual Market update” in Delhi , India .

Over 54 Giga Watt (GW) of clean renewable wind power was installed across the global market in 2016, with projects in more than 90 countries. Total capacity grew by 12.6 % to reach an amazing total of 487 GW, which is a tremendous leap forward compared to only a few years ago.

Wind Power is now successfully competing with heavily subsidized conventional energy sources like coal and fuel-oil, and has proven to be a disruptive change factor in the global energy mix, whereby whole countries are moving away from power systems centred on a few large polluting plants.

The GWEC went on record to say that we need to get to a zero emissions power system, and preferably well before 2050, if we are to meet our climate change and development goals.

Wind power penetration levels continue to increase , led by Denmark at near 40 % , followed by Uruguay , Portugal and Ireland with well over 20 % , Spain and Cyprus also around 20 % , Germany at 16 % , and some of the largest markets globally like China , the US and Canada respectively at 4 % , 5.5 % and 6 % .

Forecast by GWEC for this year is that another 60 GW of new wind turbine capacity will be added , which if continued will lead to a grand total capacity of 800 GW by the end of 2021 .

Although the growth will be led by Asia, the fundamentals are also very strong in North America and Europe, especially fuelled by dramatic price reductions for Off-shore Wind , which especially during 2016 has seen a major price breakthrough .

Our client 4Navitas also contributes strongly, but mostly focused on the onshore mid-sized market , with turbines ranging from 50 KW to 250 KW, and based on a revolutionary new concept of a so called Vertical Axis Wind Turbines ( in close cooperation with their partner Siemens.

In conclusion I like to quote the Secretary General of the GWEC : “ Overall , we have a lot of confidence in the wind power market going forward , as the technology continues to improve , prices continue to go down , and the call for clean , renewable power to reduce emissions , clean our air, and create new jobs & new industries , only gets stronger with each passing year ! “

St Julian’s Advisory is proud to be associated with 4Navitas and it’s our green privilege to raise the funding for their various Wind Energy projects.

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